hadrian wall - where and when


Practice Makes Perfect

The four men have been putting a lot of practice in for up and coming walk. Slowly but surely, the men have been adding miles on each practice walk to get them prepared for the long days on the wall. Here are some images of the men ...

The above pictures are of the first practice walk the men done together, they started off with a small 5 mile walk taking rough 2 hours. all four men where there on this day but our richard was a little camera shy. 

here are some images of Ian and Richard with their wives doing their longest walk to date, which was 8 mile. 



I recently came across this documentary when browsing on Netflix. For the first time somebody shown me what i had been through for these past 5 years.

Everyone must see this to have a insight to all the emotions that people affected by this feel and experience everyday.

Please let me know what you feel once you have watched it.